Luka contemplating

Luka contemplating

25 January 2011

a sad month for spanish galgos...

dear friends, me brother Guido is always a little gloomy around this time of the year. Traditionally, the end of January means also the end of the hunting season in Spain. 
So, the time of the year the galgueros choose which dogs are allowed to stay and which have to go, or worse still, which ones are going to die. The ways in which those hunters dispose of their unwanted dogs are horrifying, Main Servant can tell you many stories about the fear and pain a lot of my brothers and sisters had to suffer at the hands of their owners, or from just people passing by in the street who didn't care if they lived or died and who would hurt already injured dogs even more. Sometimes when I was in Spain with her, Main Servant spent a lot of time talking about the things she'd seen and saying how she wanted to kick those people's asses all across Spain. 

But it's not just hearsay, I tell you. I saw things with my own two eyes. Like once while we were roaching in the pillows in Main Servant's cosy van, a man came with a car. He stopped in front of the Scooby gate, and then he opened the trunk. I pricked me ears in disbelief. Did he really put his dogs in there? Yeps, he did. Two of them, looking very scared and very skinny. Guido started barking at them. Then he turned away and buried his head in the pillows. I think his galguero put him in the trunk, too. The man then handed over the two scared galgos to Big Boss and had to go into the office, then he went away and the two galgos were put in one of the kennels up front, next to our van. One of them was whimpering all the time, he just wouldn't stop. Main Servant went over and gave them some food and water. When she got back in the van, she was talking about kicking asses again. She also told us that those two were the lucky ones. 
I thought, lucky?? What's so lucky about being locked up in a trunk when it's so hot outside? But she said, at now they at least had a chance to have a better life. Like Guido and Gaia and me. They could have been worse off, much worse. I thinks she was thinking about the dead dog we saw at an illegal garbage dump near scooby, years ago. Or the dogs that come in so often that had been hit by a car and left in the streets to die. I didn't want to think of it anymore so I gave Main Servant a snuggle. We had a group hug, she gave us all a kiss on the head and told us to be good, she had more work to do and would see us later. 
At least we can be sure she will be back, there will be food and more group hugs, kisses and long walks and sleep-ins on Main Servant's bed. If only all the doggies at Scooby could have that kind of life from now on...

Dream on, Luka... Well, let's help them one at a time, as Main Servant says. It may make little difference with the huge numbers of dogs being abandoned every year, but for that one dog it makes all the difference in the world. Just look at those faces at the adoption page. Surely one or two can steal your heart? And if you have no time or space, try the virtual adoption. Main Servant adopted a big mastin girl and two donkeys, imagine the donkeys roaming around in our living room! But thanks to the virtual adoption, they can have a good and safe place at Scooby. Can you help them, too?

paws up, Luka

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